
What Color Wedding Dress Do You Wear If You're Not A Virgin

The Colors You lot Tin can't Vesture to a Wedding

Wondering what colors not to wear to a wedding? Here is a list of colors that wedding guests should avoid or at to the lowest degree recollect twice before making a decision.

wedding guests wearing white

Dragon Images/Shutterstock

wedding guests wearing white

Dragon Images/Shutterstock

When it comes towedding invitee etiquette, there are lots of traditions and rules that have changed in contempo years, just one etiquette question still remains among the well-nigh-asked: Can you wear white to a wedding? While it turns out that colors that were once considered taboo (black, for example) are now totally okay to wear to (about) weddings, in that location are still certain colors non to wear to a wedding—including some that might surprise you.

Can you wear white to a wedding? Hither's a list of colors you tin can't clothing to a wedding, and some you should call back twice before donning.

wedding guest


Never wear…


And so, once and for all, tin y'all wear white to a wedding? It turns out that white is however the main color you lot can't article of clothing to a hymeneals. Fourscore pct of brides clothing white to their wedding, and it's of import that a bride stands out at her wedding. Even if information technology isn't the intent, a guest wearing white can be seen as an attempt to upstage the bride—and that's definitely a no-no.


We've heard information technology a million times: "Only the outfit I want to wear isn't actually white, it'sivory." Ivory, fair, cream, eggshell, vanilla, bone—telephone call 'em what you will, just if it'due south close to white, don't wear it. Also, stay abroad from fabrics featuring patterns that are mostly white or ivory—for example, florals, polka dots, or stripes. Anything that could be construed equally white or ivory is going to be frowned upon at a wedding ceremony.

Think twice earlier wearing…

Champagne or gold

Wondering what other colors non to article of clothing to a wedding? In recent years,champagne-hued and gold wedding dresses have get quite a tendency. If yous're attending the wedding of a helpmate who'due south the manner-frontward blazon, know that she might opt for a apparel that's more golden than white. To stay on the prophylactic side, we recommend avoiding ensembles that are predominantly gilded or champagne-colored. Fifty-fifty pale silver tin feel bridal, then avoid this hue equally well, if possible.

Super-light pastels

Commonlypastel hues are considered non only advisable simply encouraged in guest attire, peculiarly for spring events. However, we've seen one too many wedding guest dresses in barely-there pastel hues that end up looking white or ivory in photos—non cool. If y'all're because a blush or stake mint wait for a wedding, try photographing the ensemble in sunlight. If it retains its pink or light-green hue, it's fine to wear. If it looks white, skip.

As well-sparkly metallics

If you're attending a daytime or informal wedding ceremony, avoid wearing ensembles featuring too much beading orsparkle. Like to wearing white, it will exist seen as trying to steal the spotlight—not cool. Even so, if the wedding you're attention is formal or blackness-tie, sparkly gowns are unremarkably okay—only don't go likewise overboard and article of clothing something that could be construed as a wedding ceremony dress.


Overly bright hues are among the colors not to article of clothing to a wedding, because over again, you don't desire to steal the spotlight from the newlyweds. Wearing neon colors will seem like you're trying to catch attention—definitely not cool.

all denim outfit

Noppadon Stocker/Shutterstock


For most weddings, wearing denim is seen as too casual. Of course, if the couple has appear a denim dress code for a super relaxed outcome, that's fine, but for most weddings, denim or chambray are definitely amidst the colors non to article of clothing. The only exception would be to bring a denim jacket every bit a coverup for a colder-weather upshot—but only exercise so if the hymeneals y'all're attending is on the more than casual side.

Bridesmaid dress color(s)

If you're not a bridesmaid, wearing the same color as the 'maids can make you await like a wannabe. If you lot know the bride or i of the bridesmaids well, don't be shy about asking what colour they're wearing so y'all tin include that hue on the list of colors you tin can't article of clothing to the wedding. Just what if you don't know the bride or any of the bridesmaids? Use the wedding invitation as a clue—unremarkably an invite is designed to lucifer a wedding'due south color palette, so if you lot run across a colour prominently featured on the invite, don't wear it.

If you're attending certain cultural or religious weddings…


Attention a Hindu nuptials? Black is viewed as an unlucky color in Hindu ceremonies, and so it'due south all-time to avoid wearing blackness at these weddings. White is also considered inappropriate to wear during Hindu ceremonies, every bit it's the color worn at funerals—but equally nosotros mentioned before, white is on the list of colors not to wear toany wedding ceremony!


Brides usually wear ruby atChinese weddings, and often at Indian weddings, also. If attending a nuptials of one of these cultures, it's best to steer clear of wearing cherry-red to avoid upstaging the bride.


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