
How To Change From Monochrome To Color In Nikon D610

This chapter is from the book

Classic Black and White Portraits

There is something timeless about a black and white portrait. It eliminates the distraction of color and puts all the accent on the bailiwick. To go bang-up black and whites without having to resort to any image-processing software, set your picture control to Monochrome (Figure 6.9). You should know that the picture controls are automatically practical when shooting with the JPEG file format. If y'all are shooting in RAW, the moving picture that shows upwards on your rear LCD display volition look black and white, but it will appear as a color prototype if you open it in non-Nikon RAW processing software (like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom). This is because the nature of RAW data is that it hasn't been processed past the photographic camera. If using Nikon's ViewNX 2 or Capture NX-D software, you'll see the assigned picture control when you first open the photo, but you tin use the software to apply whatsoever picture control to your RAW image.

Figure 6.9

Figure 6.nine Getting great blackness and white portraits is equally simple equally setting the motion-picture show control to Monochrome.

ISO 400 • ane/400 sec. • f/3.five • 24mm lens

The real key to using the Monochrome picture control is to customize information technology for your portrait subject area. The control tin can be changed to alter the sharpness and contrast. For children and puppies, and anyone else who should look somewhat soft, set the Sharpness setting to 0 or i. For old cowboys, longshoremen, and anyone else you want to wait really detailed, try a setting of 6 or 7. I typically like to exit Contrast at a setting of around –1 or –ii. This gives me a nice range of tones throughout the epitome.

The other adjustment you should try is changing the moving-picture show control's Filter effect from None to 1 of the four available settings (Yellow, Orange, Red, or Green). Using the filters will take the effect of either lightening or darkening the skin tones. The Crimson and Yellow filters usually lighten skin, while the Green filter tin brand peel announced a bit darker. Experiment to see which 1 works best for your subject.

Setting your picture control to Monochrome

  1. Printing the i button to activate the cursor in the data screen.
  2. Use the Multi-selector to move the cursor to the Set Picture Command icon, and press the OK push button.
  3. Select the MC setting, and and so press the OK push (A).

Customizing your Monochrome flick command

  1. Kickoff by pressing the Carte du jour push button.
  2. Navigate to Shooting Carte, select Manage Pic Command (B), and press OK.
  3. Select Relieve/Edit, and press OK over again.
  4. Scroll down to Monochrome (C), and then press the Multi-selector to the correct to enter the customization screen. (Don't hitting the OK push hither or it will go right to the Save As screen.)

  5. Now that you are in the customize screen, make the desired changes to each of the different items (movement the Multi-selector up or downwards to select the item you want to alter, and left to right to change the settings) (D).

  6. When you lot have everything set the style yous want, printing the OK button to save your new custom settings. Select the first available slot (C-1), and press right on the Multi-selector (E). You can now use the default name or type in i of your own. To delete the electric current proper name, use the Command dial to select the letter location and hit the Delete (trash can) button. And then use the Multi-selector to spell the new name (F). When washed, printing the OK push button.

  7. To use the new setting, follow the previous set of directions for selecting a picture control, except this time choose C-1 instead of MC.


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