
Can You Change The Color Of A Fiber Glass Tub '

How To: Pigment a Bathtub

Renew your loo by putting a fresh, clean glaze on your worn-out quondam tub.

How to Paint a Bath Tub - White Clawfoot Tub


The focal signal of a total bathroom is often its tub, which ought to exist pristine and gleaming. If yours is pitted, chipped, or scratched—or sporting an erstwhile-fashioned color that no longer suits your style—y'all can spare yourself the bother and expense of ripping it out and replacing it. Options include putting in an acrylic liner for upwards of $300, or learning how to paint a bathtub with a special epoxy.

Wait, can you paint a bathtub?

You can refresh your ceramic, porcelain, or fiberglass tub's color and still achieve a high-gloss finish using a specialty kit labeled for tubs and tiles, often bachelor at home centers for about $25. (See this top-rated Rust-Oleum refinishing kit on Amazon, which has been reviewed past more two,000 DIY-minded consumers.) Unlike your standard interior paint options, which will crack and peel at the amount of heat and moisture tubs are exposed to daily, epoxy boasts great adhesion and long-lasting durability one time cured. A ane-quart kit should be enough to cover the bathtub, but pick upwardly two if yous also programme to paint the surrounding tile.

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Reglazing the bathtub with epoxy can be a scrap tricky depending on whether you choose a ane-part (pre-mixed) or two-part (set-to-mix) kit. Merely with the post-obit steps, patience, and care, you'll go a porcelain-like finish that will last three to five years.

Tools & Materials
  • Caulk removal tool
  • Bleach
  • Abrasive cleanser
  • Sponge
  • Acetone
  • Epoxy putty
  • Come across full list «
  • Tub repair production
  • 400-grit wet/dry sandpaper
  • 600-grit moisture/dry sandpaper
  • Painter's record
  • Tub epoxy refinishing kit
  • Paint bucket with comprehend
  • Paint stirrers
  • Paint brushes
  • Paint rollers
  • Bathroom caulk
  • Caulking gun

How to Paint a Bathtub

How to Paint a Bathtub - Painting Tools in the Bathroom


1. Remove sometime caulk and the tub's hardware.

Set up the tub: Commencement by removing the old caulk. (Notation: If you don't have a specific caulk removal tool, a spackling knife or v-in-1 painter's tool tin sub in here.) So carefully remove the drain hardware and whatsoever fixtures in the bathtub itself, using the correct tools and procedures for your situation.

2. Ventilate the bathroom and make clean the tub thoroughly with diluted bleach, scrub cleansers, and acetone.

Open the windows and run the bathroom exhaust fan before yous brainstorm to make clean upwardly any grime, soap scum, and mildew. First, launder the bathtub with 10 pct bleach in water solution. Rinse well, and follow with an abrasive bathroom cleanser like Comet or Soft Scrub. After thoroughly rinsing, wipe a solvent such every bit acetone (paint thinner would piece of work here, also) over the entire surface to remove whatsoever remaining grease or cleanser residual.

iii. Repair whatsoever imperfections along the tub.

Fill up any scratches, chips, or gouges with epoxy putty or tub repair product for a like-new surface. Let dry completely and so sand these areas smooth. Next, sand the entire bathtub using wet/dry sandpaper: Do 1 pass with 400-grit paper and a second with the finer 600-grit. This volition crude up the gloss so that paint easily adheres.

Rinse the bathtub thoroughly with water and wipe it dry with make clean towels or rags. Allow the tub to air dry fully, as it must be complimentary of wet prior to painting.

4. Mask surrounding tile and any remaining fixtures.

When prepping for paint, use painter'southward tape to protect the tile at tub level and any fixtures effectually the bathtub that you could not remove in Footstep one.

5. If y'all purchased two-part epoxy, mix information technology at present.

Make certain your room is well ventilated and don your respirator or mask (epoxy paint is really stinky stuff). And then, prep the paint included in the tub refinishing kit according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Many kits apply a ii-role epoxy pigment that you'll demand to combine prior to application. If that's the instance, cascade each part into 1 saucepan to mix thoroughly, for at least 2 minutes. The mixing phase is crucial, so don't play fast and loose with the directions! Then transfer half of that mixture into the second container to salvage for the 2d coat and comprehend tightly to prevent it from drying out.

6. Pigment the tub in two sparse coats, leaving adequate time between them for the paint to dry.

If y'all know how to paint other surfaces like tile or drywall, you have some thought of how to paint a bathtub. Start at the pinnacle in ane corner and working your way beyond and down to the other side. Apply in a thin, even glaze, being careful to smoothen out whatever drips as you get with your roller or brush. Epoxy paint has a cocky-leveling belongings, and then don't exist concerned if you see some bubbling or castor marks—these should disappear equally it sets.

Allow the outset coat to dry according to the manufacturer'south instructions, and apply the second coat in the same way you lot did the starting time.

7. Wait at least three days before running water in the newly painted tub.

Epoxy takes time to fully cure, so listen the manufacturer's instructions on drying fourth dimension. Don't use the tub until the pigment has fully cured—even if it feels dry out to the touch on, which might exist every bit soon equally an 60 minutes. Once cured, remove the tape, re-caulk the tub, and re-install the fixtures and bleed hardware.

Going forward, maintain the bathtub as you would whatsoever porcelain surface, with your choice of cleanser. But right at present, run yourself a nice, warm bath—you deserve it!

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