
Ipad Pro 11 Vs 12.9 Student

image of iPad Pro (12.9-inch size)

Photo by Walling on Unsplash

Back in October of 2020 when I was picking the size of my new iPad, I had to pick between the xi inch and 12.nine inch iPad Pros (and as well the iPad Air). Given the big price difference, I was thinking about taking the eleven inch iPad. Just with some other person encouraging me to get the 12.nine inch iPad Pro, I decided to become with the larger model.

While I've felt some regrets over the past year and a one-half, I still feel that the 12.9 inch iPad (which I'm typing on right at present) has been the best choice for me. In this post, I'll become over both sides of the argument, explaining the pros of both the 12.9-inch model and the 11-inch model.

4 Things I like About The 12.9-inch Model

Just as a quick note earlier we begin, I don't have an 11-inch iPad Pro that I'm comparing my 12.ix-inch iPad with. Instead, I'll be comparing the 12.nine-inch model with an older iPad Air.

Additionally, I accept the 2020 model of the iPad Pro, which does not have the new display features of the 2021 iPad Pro. For that reason, I won't be because display every bit a reason I bought the 12.9-inch model.


I think one of the biggest reasons people tend to go for the 12.ix-inch model is the multi-tasking advantage. And I have to concur with this.

With the larger screen, it is far easier to accept two apps open at in one case. As someone who uses my iPad every single twenty-four hours for school, writing, reading, note-taking, coding, and more, having multiple apps open on my iPad is a key part of my routine. That'south especially important because the iPad is already limited in multi-tasking compared to MacBooks and other laptops.

Although you can multi-task on the xi-inch model, it feels a lot more restricted than with the 12.9-inch model.

Taking Notes

Because the 12.9-inch model is improve at multi-tasking, it'due south besides better for taking notes. On top having a larger screen to take notes with, taking notes with a textbook/presentation and a annotation-taking app opened is much easier with the 12.9-inch model.

That'southward not to say that the 11-inch model is bad for notation-taking. In fact, I would debate that in some cases, the xi-inch model is actually better. For instance, students with relatively small desks in their schools may enjoy an 11-inch model, due to its smaller size. Similarly, some people adopt to have an bodily textbook instead of a digital textbook. While a textbook open in split view on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro is displayed bigger than on the 11-inch iPad Pro, an actual textbook provides the all-time viewing feel.

In my case, I prefer digital textbooks, even if I take to zoom in to read text or look at diagrams.


In terms of typing, I tin't really say how skilful the 12.ix-inch model is compared to the eleven-inch model. I haven't experienced an 11-inch model in real life, so I'1000 going to base this off of what I read online.

The 12.9-inch iPad does have a superior keyboard, but it does wait like people chop-chop become accustomed to the eleven-inch model later on using it for a while.

At the time of purchase, I chose to become with the 12.9-inch model, because I felt that I would exist constantly switching between my iPad and my erstwhile laptop a lot, and I didn't want to continue on making typing mistakes because of varying keyboard sizes. I don't know if that's a correct supposition, but that was a reason I used to justify the 12.9-inch model over the 11-inch model.


Another thing I honey about the 12.9-inch model is the forced productivity. While I can't guarantee that you lot'll become instantly productive with the 12.9-inch model, the 12.9-inch model will limit the amount of fun yous tin can take with your device. Some people may view this as a bad matter, merely I view this every bit a good affair.

With its large size, I rarely spotter YouTube videos on my iPad (though when I do lookout man videos, the 12.9-inch's larger screen definitely helps). That ultimately ways that I rarely become carried away or procrastinate on my iPad. That's neat for me, since I apply my iPad to practise work, take notes, debate, research, etc. Just for people who buy the 12.9" iPad to play games, this may be a downside.

3 Things I like Nearly The 11-inch Model

Next, permit's move on to 3 things I like about the xi-inch model.


Given the smaller size of the 11-inch model, information technology'southward a much better option for those that need portability. When I get-go got my iPad, I was stuck in distance learning. During this time period, I thought that portability would be a huge issue in one case I returned to in-person school.

But if I'm being honest, I didn't intendance as much as I thought I would about portability. The weight/size of my iPad haven't been an issue for me, and I oasis't even really thought about wanting a more portable iPad since distance learning.


This ties into the productivity point from before, simply the 11-inch iPad is the more fun model. It'due south the model that's easier to game with, watch movies on, or consume content with. And as I've mentioned before, this could either be a good or a bad affair, depending on the reason behind why you lot're purchasing an iPad.

If you're purchasing an iPad to do piece of work with, the 12.nine" is probably the better option for you.


As always, price is a major cistron in making a buy conclusion between the two devices. With a 300 dollar price difference between the base models of the eleven" and 12.9" iPads, price is likely i of the largest factors for most people.

I yet feel a chip of regret when I see the price difference ($200 when I commencement got my iPad and $50 due to a larger Magic Keyboard), but I know that this 300 dollar price deviation has likely been worth information technology. After all, I doubt that I would accept had as much success with launching a volunteer marketing bureau, a blog, or fence if I had used a smaller device.


Ultimately, although at that place are certainly times where I regret going for the larger model, the 12.9" was the right option for me.

What well-nigh you? What size iPad do you have, and practise yous think information technology was the right choice?

Thanks for reading!

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